Flying M Ranch - Ellensburg, WA
[email protected] - (509) 899-1139
Contact Us

We wanted to let you know that we offer the BEST Corgi Puppy services in Ellensburg . 

We have a lot of fun here.

M-F  9am-5pm
Saturday  11am-4pm
Sunday  Closed
Appointments required

Cheyenne, Amber, Rosie, and Bleu (Bleu had to be spayed) are my breeders for 2024-25. I will be adding Abbey, Peaches, Bleu Belle, Bleu Jazz, and
 Bianca to my girls in 2025/26.
My Pembroke boys are Hunter and Miracle. I still have two purebred Cardigan Corgi males. Merlin is a blue merle and has a blue eye. Also, Tux has joined our Cardigans. He is a black/white with brindle points. 
We raise cows, chickens, turkeys, pigs and lambs from time to time. 
 If you are on Facebook, you can join our Alumni Group if you search for 
Flying M Corgis Alumni
Did you know?
If Corgis seem like magical dogs to you, you may not be surprised to learn that in Welsh folklore, they actually are magical. Legend has it that Corgis served as mounts for fairy warriors patrolling the forests of Wales. The pattern of a Corgi's coat is supposed to show the outline of the saddles and harnesses the fairies used to ride their Corgi steeds. 
My email changed and is:
[email protected]

We have retired from the large herd of cattle and now just keep a few at our house to keep my husband busy.